

  1. 「이다」を「独立した品詞と見なす」/「語尾と見なす」。
  2. 語幹末に「ㄹ」を持つ用言を「ㄹ変則」/「ㄹ語幹」と呼ぶ。
  3. 「있다」と「없다」を「独立した品詞として認める」/「形容詞に含める」。
  4. 「는,가…」は「助詞である」/「語尾である」。
  5. 用言は「語幹」/「語基」に語尾を付けて活用する。あるいは,「動詞節」/「述語」の構造は語幹に語幹形成接辞が付き,これに語尾が付いて構成される。


Research on Korean language education in Japan since 2000 has tended to discuss the current state of Korean language education and the grammatical items that should be mastered. The following differences were found in the descriptions of parts of speech, conjugations, and other grammatical features in major teaching materials and dictionaries from the 1960s to the 1990s.

  1. " i-da (이다)" is regarded as an independent part of speech/as an ending.
  2. A declinable word with "l (ㄹ)" at the end of the stem is called "l (ㄹ) irregular"/"l (ㄹ) stem".
  3. "iss-da (있다)" and "eobs-da (없다)" are "recognized as independent parts of speech" /"included in adjectives".
  4. "neun (는), ka (가)..." are "particles"/"endings".
  5. The lexeme is conjugated by adding an ending to the "stem"/"verbal base" of the word. Alternatively, the "verb clause"/"predicate" structure consists of a stem with a stem-forming affix followed by an ending.
In addition, it was pointed out that in Korea, a common viewpoint with the verbal base is also recognized, and that the conjugations realized by a stem or a base are the same.
Finally, Korean school grammar is discussed and contrasted with the grammatical terminology used in Korean language education in Japan.