


The Cathedral of León, located in the center of that ancient city, is said to be one of the most beautiful Gothic cathedrals in Spain today. However, it is not widely known that this is the result of a “major restoration” carried out in the 19th century that thoroughly removed architectural elements added after the Gothic period of construction. This paper summarizes the activities and restoration philosophies of each chief restoration architect at León (Matías Laviña Blasco, Andrés Hernández Callejo, Juan de Madrazo y Kuntz, Demetrio de los Ríos y Serrano, and Juan Bautista Lázaro de Diego), and discusses the results of their work in light of the trends in European architectural restoration thought at the time. Furthermore, the restoration of the Cathedral of León, which was designated the first Spanish National Monument in 1844, is analyzed as a place where conflicts among multiple actors and their interests were exposed. We aim to clarify this episode as a very representative one of cultural policies in late 19th century Spain, a country which at that time was in the midst of political turmoil.