Consideration of the development of the co-operative movement in Thailand is possible, placing it in two separate periods: (I) Chiefly with the purpose of lightening the burden of taxation on famers, Agricultural Credit Co-operatives were organized as a main support for this movement (1916-1938). (II) This movement (from 1938 up to the present time) has pursued a self-supporting economy, independent of the Chinese and other foreigners with the assistance of the autocratic Military Government. A tendency towards diversification of this movement is evident in this period. Various co-operatives such as "Colonization", "Land Improvement", "Consumers' Marketing", and "Producers' Co-operatives" as found in present Thai, and were organized during this period. Thai Co-operatives are characterized thus : (I) Co-operatives have been strongly directed by the government from the outset. (II) They have made a remarkable progress in close relations with the autocratic Military Government. (III) They are chiefly based on farmer's credit. (IV) They have been carefully fosterd by the government. In present under-developed Southeast Asian countries, the co-operative movement is regarded as an effective means for economic exploitation. However, in regard to the co-operative movement, which was established in 1916, the situation as of 1951 shows a total of 8,151 co-operatives, with 145,603 members.
Nevertherless, the initial purpose of this movement, especially the solution of the problems of farmers' debts is not yet attained, In consequence, Thai co-operatives have not been furnished with effectual means for economic exploitation, but in reality are nothing but a system to provide a political and economic support for the autocratic Military Government to dominate the farmers.