Acoustic Analysis of Thai Tones in Thai Trisyllablic words
This study examines the acoustic phonetic characteristics of Thai tones observed in trisyllabic
words in order to compare with those in sentences made of three monosyllabic words which we
have already examined.
Since patterns of combination of Thai five tones in trisyllabic words may differ from those in in
sentences with monosyllabic words, we analyzed duration and pitch curve of the former.
We found that the last syllable has a very long duration. In case the last syllable is a checked
one with phonemically short vowel, however, it has relatively short duration, although it is still
longer than that in the first or the second syllable.
Duration of the first or the second syllable with a phonemically long vowel tends to be longer.
Even that with a phonemically short vowel may be pronounced long, due to the internal structure
of the word. In contrast, duration of phonemically long vowels is always pronounced long. It
needs further examination how and to what extent the internal word structure is relevant to
duration of syllables.
We found that shapes of pitch curve depend on the duration of syllables, and that they are
quite similar to those of three word sentences. Since the number of patterns and words which we
have analyzed is limited, patterns of tones in light syllable need further examination.