Development of courseware teaching materials based on Elaboration theory

—The evaluation of the use of courseware in learning styles—

LIN Chunchen

This study takes the perspective of learning styles to evaluate the two completely different design approaches of drill-based courseware materials and courseware materials based on elaboration theory. Previous studies have taken a subset of learning styles from the large number of available, and then used that subset to carry out evaluations regarding teaching materials, but few references have been made to the materials used for evaluation. In this paper, the self-published Japanese teaching material "Conversation Taiwan" based on elaboration theory and the generic drill-based courseware materials are first explained, then questionnaire and learning style surveys are then carried out with the learners, and then finally an assessment is made. As for the results, there was a significant difference in the "Sequential/Global" learning style, but this was to be expected from the design of the teaching materials. On the other hand, in the case of how learners viewed the teaching materials, despite also expecting a significant difference in the "Sensing/Intuitive," there was a deviation in the data and no significant difference was found. I believe that the results of this study will contribute to further detailed research in the future.