This paper studies the "A wa ϰ ni totte B" with special attention given to B, the predicate of the sentence.
The distinctive features and some special function of this type of sentence are clarified, correcting errors made by students in Japanese studies, which are as follows:
1) The judgement and some evaluation are indicated by B part of "A wa ϰ ni totte B" in the form of a predicate which modifies NP.
A wa ϰ ni totte judgement, evaluation (mono / koto) da.
2) The functional verb, "(ni) totte" which originates from the dynamic verb "toru" acts as a particle in the sentence, indicating the agent of the judgement included in B. The part "ϰ ni totte" in the sentence has such functions as to accentuate or emphasize the unique judgement included in B, by picking up the agent of the judegement.
The modality of this type of sentence is to be focused on in the next study.