The purpose of this paper is to analyze the meaning of the suffix -meku and examine its collocation in a linguistic corpus.
From the point of view of speaker's "expectation" towards the situation, the meaning of -meku is outlined as follows:
(1) "X ga N-meku" demonstrates that some features of N appear on the thing X.
(2) When this appearance is due to a natural change in the situation, the features can be considered "expected" ones.
(3) On the other hand, when this appearance is not a natural result of a change in the situation, such features cannot be called "expected".
This analysis differs from previous study analyzing -meku as a suffix used to show the speaker's "negative" evaluation towards a situation.
Additionally, some examples of the usage of -meku in a linguistic corpus are given, to show what kinds of N (nouns) precede -meku.