How Learners in the Japanese Language Program of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Use Learning Tools:

Results and Analysis of the Surveys Conducted in 2016 and 2017


SUZUKI Tomomi, SHIMIZU Yukiko, SHIBUYA Hiroko,



Key Words: JLPTUFS, Learning Tools, Electronic Dictionaries, Smartphones,

                Apps, Websites


The purpose of this paper is to reveal through surveys what kind of learning tools international students in the JLPTUFS use when they study Japanese. The JLPTUFS is a Japanese language program offered to diverse international students at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

The surveys were conducted online in December 2016 and June 2017, and 139 students replied to them. We examined usage of electronic dictionaries, smartphone apps, websites, as well as other activities involving the Japanese language, such as watching videos online, using SNS, etc.

We asked the names of apps and websites that they frequently use. Out of a total of over 180 replies, about 70 apps were mentioned, and out of a total of over 130 replies, 45 websites were mentioned. About 30% of the surveyed still list electronic dictionaries, but a vast number of apps and websites for Japanese language learning were being developed and made available, and we have found that Japanese language learners use these tools frequently on a regular basis.