@article{oai:tufs.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000448, author = {工藤, 嘉名子 and KUDO, Kanako and 伊東, 克洋 and ITO, Katsuhiro}, journal = {東京外国語大学 国際日本学研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {The Recurrent Course in Japanese Language Education at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies is a program designed for current Japanese language teachers who would return to their home institutions and contribute to the development of Japanese language education after obtaining a master's degree through one year of study and research. This paper provides an overview of the Recurrent Course in Japanese Language Education and its achievements to date, as well as a summary of the follow-up survey of graduates and its results. Additionally, it discusses the significance and challenges of the course from the perspective of career development. A survey was conducted on all 24 graduates, and 23 responses were obtained. The questionnaire contains both multiple-choice and open-ended questions. The results revealed that the course was significant for the following five reasons: 1) Acquisition of knowledge regarding research, 2) Improvement of expertise and practical skills in Japanese language education, 3) Collaboration and peer learning among current Japanese teachers, 4) Career development and expansion of career options through the obtaining of a master's degree, and 5) Length of the program (one year). On the other hand, the following three items were identified as challenges: 1) Lack of information about possibilities of continuing to PhD, 2) Necessity for strengthening networks of graduates, and 3) Lack of stable financial support for graduate students. The survey was able to identify the overall views of graduates from a quantitative perspective. For further research, it is essential to conduct interviews with several graduates to find out how this course has helped them further develop their careers. Through qualitative analysis of such interviews, we expect to clarify various aspects of individual career development.}, pages = {138--155}, title = {現職者のキャリア形成における日本語教育リカレントコースの意義と課題 ―修了生を対象とした追跡調査をもとに―}, volume = {4}, year = {2024}, yomi = {クドウ, カナコ and イトウ, カツヒロ} }