@article{oai:tufs.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000475, author = {鈴木, 美加 and SUZUKI, Mika and SHIMAOKA, Manabu and 島岡, 学}, journal = {日本語・日本学研究, Journal for Japanese studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {As a sequel to a paper by Suzuki and Shimaoka (2022) on manzai workshops and student learning, this paper presents content from the second half of the workshop analyzing the manzai material created, according to Kinsui's (1992) classifi cation of boke in manzai, by the participating students. Finally, the competences and knowledge that can be developed in a manzai workshop are examined in light of Ackermann's (2010) assertions regarding language competence and communication.}, pages = {107--120}, title = {即興ミニ漫才づくりとネタに見られる特徴:学部言語科目における漫才ワークショップの可能性}, volume = {14}, year = {2024}, yomi = {スズキ, ミカ and シマオカ, マナブ} }